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  • Writer's pictureBob Croxton

Treeton Nature Diary 2024

Updated: Aug 22

Thursday 22 August

Orgreave Lakes and River Rother Bat walk

Several hundred Black-headed Gulls still present at 2130.

Common Pipistrelle abundant everwhere. Smaller numbers of Soprano Pipistrelle. Noculues common. Leisler's Bats particularly active between the river and lakes. A few Daubenton's Bats were recorded.

Monday 19 August

Treeton Dyke Monthly wildfowl count highlights

Number well down, particuarly Tufted Duck and no Gawall!

Mute Swan 8, Mallard 45, Shoveler 1, Pochard 1, Tufted Duck 5, Coot 47, Moorhen 3, Great Crested Grebe 4.

Sunday 18 August

Catcliffe Flash Monthly wildfowl count highlights

Mute Swane 3, Mallard 26, Gadwall 63, Gargany 1, Shoveler 2, Pochard 4, Red-crested Pochard 1, Tufted Duck 9, Coot 19, Moorhen 8, Little Grebe 5, Cormorant 8, Grey Heron 2, Black-headed Gull 51.

Tuesday 13 August

Catcliffe Flash

A bit of a duck feast in recent days with Mallard, Gadwall, Shoveler, Teal, Gargany, Pochard, Red-crested Pochard and Tufted Duck present.

Cormorant - Catcliffe Flash
Garganey - Catcliffe Flash

Friday 10 August

Batman Hoverfly (Myathropa florea) - Between the bridges Washfield Lane Treeton Note the Batman type Symbol on the Thorax

Thursday 8 August

The only Great Crested Grebe to have fledged this year at Treeton Dyke. A few years ago 3 pairs fledged several young. No doubt the over use of water dye and regular wild swimmers, have paid their part in the decline of this species

Thursday 1 August

A strange photo of the same Teal showing the right wing patch blue and the left wing patch green (As it should be) - Catcliffe Flash
Family of Little Grebes - Catcliffe Flash

Wednesday 31 July

Emperor Dragonfly (Male) - Treeton Dyke

Sunday 28 July

Buterflies continue to be in short supply on Well Lane lagoons this afternoon just Essex Skipper, Small Skipper, Peacock, Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper in low numbers.

The two photos below taken with my new Canon R7 camera

Essex Skipper - Well Lane Lagoons
Reed Warbler - Bolehill Flash

Sunday 21 July

Monthly Wildfowl Count Highlights

Orgreave Lakes

Canada Geese c179, Mallard 77, Pochard 38, Tufted Duck 63, Coot 95, Great Crested Grebe 41, Little Egret 2, Common Tern.

Treeton Dyke

Mute Swan 3 + 3 cygnets, Mallard 34, Pochard 2, Coot 29, Great Crested Grebe 3 + 1 juv.

Catcliffe Flash

Mute Swan 1 pr + 1 juv, Mallard 58, Gadwall 78, Pochard 2, Red Crested Pochard 1, Tufted Duck 1 + female with 4 ducklings.

Eclipse male Red-crested Pochard - Catcliffe Flash

Saturday 13 July

Catcliffe Flash

For the first time in many years here, I noted a female Tufted Duck today with 5 newly hatched ducklings.

Wednesday 10 July

Treeton Dyke

My first Common Tern of the year here.

Box Tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis

I found this moth today after placing some trimming off my Hazel tree into my brown bin. It eventually flew off high into my Hazel tree. New moth to me and after a Google lens search arrived at this species. It was not in any of my moth books. Apparently first recorded in the UK, Kent 2007. Its caterpillars can cause extensive damage to Box tree hedges. According to Butterfly Conservation it is in adult form from late July, mainly a southern species but has been recorded as far north as Fife.

Box Tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis - Treeton

Sunday 6 June


Interesting watching a Brown Hare working it's way through a wheat field at close quarters at a good hotspot for this species in Treeton. It was feeding on small clumps of grass between the wheat.

Brown Hare - Treeton

Friday 5 June

Treeton Dyke

Dropped on a Cetti's Warbler at the southern end working its way through the dence Blackthorn, probably a juvenile.

Sunday 30 June

Catcliffe Flash

Around 50 Sand/House Martins feeding over the flash. I can be pretty sure they are not local breeders, Return passage already? Female Gadwall with 5 ducklings.

Friday 28 June

Catcliffe Flash

A minimum of Mallard 68, Gadwall 48. Kingfisher.

Tuesday 25 June

Catcliffe Flash

A male Shoveler entering eclipe plumage was unusual for the time of year. A lot of Gadwall seem to have arived in recent days, but no sighn of any ducklings so far.

Monday 24 June

Treeton Dyke

A pair of Great Crested Grebe have one young and a Kingfisher.

Wednesday 5 June

Spring Update

Although I have been away a fair bit, I have still been out and about around Treeton for most of Spring. In the main it's been quite a depressing time bird wise. The dye in Treeton Dyke may have had an effect on breeding wildfowl there, with little other than Mute Swan and Greylang Geese hatching young. At Catcliffe Flash, I have only noted one cluctch of young Mallard, with no young swans yet. Bolehill Flash has occasional Reed Buntings and Reed Warblers, but its quite the norm most days for only some of the most common songbirds to be heard singing. The woods remain quiet with only a fraction of the birds present compared to the distant past.

In my garden last years flock of 30/40 House Sparrows have decined to only a handfull. There does not seem to anywhere near the numbers of Starlings this year. I have seen no House Martins on my estate yet and very few Swifts flying over the village. All these decines at a time of many arable fields around the village are now left to go wild, very little grass cutting apart from Catcliffe Flash. Huge sums of money wasted on the so called restoration of the River Rother.

Roe Deer buck ( Numbers of this species continue to increase locally)

Monday 8 April (Monthly Wildfowl Count Highlights)

Orgreave Lakes

Mute Swan 6, Canada Goose 70, Greylag Goose 2, Mallard 19, Teal 2, Shoveler 2, Pochard 1, Tufted Duck 25, Goldeneye 5, Coot 24, Great Crested Grebe 17, Little Egret 3.

Treeton Dyke

Mjte Swan 4, Mallard 10, Tufted Duck 18, Coot 17, Moorhen 2, Great Crested Grebe 3.

Ulley Country Park

Mute Swan 1, Greylaga Goode 11, Mallard 29, Tufted Duck 6, Coot 7, Moorhen 3, Great Crested Grebe 9.

Sunday 7 April

Catcliffe Flash (Monthly Wildfowl Count Highlights)

Mute Swan 2, Mallard 10, Gadwall 6, Shoveler 4, Teal 2, Pochard 1, Tufted Duck 17, Coot 6, Moorhen 3, Great Crested Grebe 2. Swallow 2.

Saturday 6 April

A break in the rain brought a few butterflies out, including an uncommon visiter to my garden a Speckled Wood.

Speckled Wood

Thursday 28 March

Catcliffe Flash

Of the 7 Shoveler present 5M 2F, one female was constantly persuing a paricualer male, often doing the typical head bobbing display of many duck species. This male did not seem in the bit intrested. Other males kept approaching this female, but she only had eyes for the one male.

Tuesday 12 March


Several Waxwings present in the afternoon trying to feed on the few remaining berries. They did not persist on the Dog Rose berries, just half heartedly picking at bits and not attempting to swallow whole. They quickly finished off any Gelder Rose berries. The photo below shows one of the Waxwings on a Hawthorn with its berries still intact. There are a few of these young Hawthorns about. which the winter thrushes do not seem to touch for some reason and these waxwings seemed to be doing eating as a last resort. Nine present the following day.

Waxwing - Orgreave

Monday 11 March Count Highlights

Orgreave Lakes & River

Whooper Swan 11, Canada Goose 98, Mallard 33, Gadwall 8, Shoveler 2, Pochard 13, Tufted Duck 18, Goldeneye 3, Coot 39, Great Crested Grebe 12, Oystercatcher 2.

Treeton Dyke

Mute Swan 7, Mallard 15, Gadwall 2, Teal 1, Tufted Duck 29, Goosander 1, Coot 31, Great Crested Grebe 4.

Ulley Country Park

Mute Swan 4, Mallard 55, Coot 4, Moorhen 2, great Crested Grebe 5.

Sunday 10 March

Catcliffe Flash

Mute Swan 3, Mallard 7, Gadwall 5, Shoveler 9, Teal 2 Pochard 6, Tufted Duck 10, Coot 17.

Thursday 5 March

A visit to Marshside Southport found nothing unexpected, just thousands of Pink-footed Geese feeding on the salt marshes.

Pink-footed Geese - Marshside Southport (Blackpool Tower in the background)

Sunday 25 February

Catcliffe Flash

Shoveler 9 (5 males 4 females). Pochard 10.

Beaumont Park Estate, Treeton

A large skien of Pink-footed Geese flew over at 1028 hrs, on their way back to Iceland. 233 counted on the photo.

Pink-footed Geese - Treeton

Thursday 15 February

Bridge over Rother by Washfield Lane Treeton

Wither the temperature rising to at 1800 hrs 15c, I did a sortie round a few sites to see if any bats were out. Just one Common Pipistrelle found by the bridge over the Rother, Washfield Lane.

Monday 12 February

Monthly wildfowl Counts Highlights

Orgeave Lakes & R. Rother

Mallard 26, Gadwall 13,

Wigeon 6, Teal 4, Pochard 32, Tufted Duck 29, Goldeneye 4, Goosander 2, Coot 45, Cormorant 4, Oystercatcher 2.

Treeton Dyke

Mute Swan 7, Mallard 6, Gadwall 2, Shoveler 2, Pochard 2, Shoveler 2, Goosander 2, Goldeneye 1, Great Crested Grebe 5, Coot 40, Moorhen 10. A flock of at least 70 Pink-footed Geese flew over east at 0940 hrs.

Ulley Country Park

Mute Swan 4, Greylag Goose 13, Mallard 70, Coot 11, Moorhen 2, Great Crested Grebe 4, Black-headed Gull 217.

Sunday 11 February

Catcliffe Flash

Mute Swan 3, Mallard 7, Gadwall 7, Shoveler 7, Pochard 5, Tufted Duck 14, Coot 16, Moorhen 2.

Friday 19 January

Due to the weather and other commitments a belated NewYear Bird count. Still very cold with all water bodies mostly frozen.

Urban Treeton 

Blackbird, Collared Dove, House Sparrow, Woodpigeon, Cormorant, Wren, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Jackdaw, Buzzard. 

Well Lane Lagoons 

Redwing, Kestrel. 

Old Flatts Farm

Canada Goose, Pheasant, Greenfinch 6.

Treeton Meadows 

Lapwing, Black-headed Gull, Greylag Goose. 

Spa House Farm

Mistle Thrush, Pied Wagtail, Rook, Linnet c300, Yellowhammer, Starling, Fieldfare.

Ulley Brook Bog


River Rother M1 to Catcliffe

Stock Dove, Mallard, Teal, Grey Heron, Little Grebe. 

Catcliffe Flash 

Herring Gull, Coot, Gadwall, Mute Swan. 

Between the bridges Washfield Lane

Song Thrush. 

Treeton Dyke 

Tufted Duck. 


Pochard, Goosander, Wigeon, Greater Black-backed Gull, Common Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Goldeneye, Great Crested Grebe, Jack Snipe, Short-eared Owl.


A total of 50 species. Big dips of the day Goldfinch, Long-tailed Tit, Jay, Skylark and Meadow Pipit.


2023 – 57 species. 2022 - 53 Species. 2021 - 52 species. 2020 - 58 species. 2019 - 48 species. Record 2009 - 66 species


Monday 15 January

Monthly Wildfowl Counts Highlights

Orgreave Lakes

Mallard 43, Teal 12, Wigeon 55, Pochard 65, Tufted Duck 42, Goldeneye 1, Coot 63, Little Grebe 4, Cormorant 12.

Treeton Dyke

Mallard 11, Gadwall 2, Tufted Duck 24. Goldeneye 1, Goosander 2, Coot 77, Moorhen 6, Great Crested Grebe 4.

Catcliffe Flash

Mute Swan 3, Mallard 2, Gadwall 8, Shoveler 2, Teal 26, Pochard 1, Tufted Duck 4, Coot 18, Common Gull 1.

Ulley Country Park

Mute Swan 4, Greylag Goose 75, Mallard 94, Tufted Duck 27, Coot 14, Great Crested Grebe, Black-headed Gull 195, Herring Gull 69.

Saturday 13 January

Female Great Spotted Woodpecker - Treeton

Friday 12 January

Beaumont Park Estate, Treeton

Just two Waxwings present this morning, approachable on foot, but flew off, when a noisy car passed.

Waxwing - Treeton

Thursday 11 January

Beaumont Park Estate, Treeton

As a none twitcher/lister, I had not ventured out to Crosspool or Hassop to see the Waxwings. I looked up the past dates of the times I hade seen them on my local patch 11 January 2004 and the 16 January 2011. So, I was on alert and had a pair of binoculars by my bedroom window.. While getting changed to go to the dentist this morning at 0945, I noted from my bedroom window some strange looking Starlings, which of course turned out to be a flock of at least 14 Waxwing. I took some distant photos from my bedroom window and then dashed out to get closer in the car. I managed to get fairly close, but due to the overcast conditions with rain, it was a difficult task to get a decent photo. The birds had their back to me most of the time. They soon flew off. Hopefully they will be around Treeton for a few days. They are creatures of habit and amazingly they keep turning up at the same locations around the same dates.

Waxwings from my bedroom window -Beaumont Park Estate, Treeton

Wednesday 10 January

Catcliffe Flash

A rare visit these days of four Goosander (3M, 1F) to the Flash at 0800 hrs. I recorded none here in 2023, in the distant past up to 40 were regular.

Monday 8 January

River Rother by Catcliffe Flash

The river is still very murky from all the recent floods, it amazes me that Goosanders, Little Grebes and Cormorants all seem to be catching fish in such conditions.

Male Gossander - River Rother

Sunday 7 January

River Rother by M1

Stock Dove 2, Grey Wagtail 2, Kingfisher 1.

Tuesday 2 January

Treeton Dyke

Male Goldeneye, a small party of 8 Siskin feeding on Alders at the northern end.

Monday 1 January

Had hoped to do my New Years Bird Count, but rain first thing and the River Rother was out of its lower bank stopping me accessing some areas, so will do another day. Undertook a two hour walk around the north of the village.

Treeton Sewerage Works

Pied Wagtail c40 flew off towards Spa House Farm, a minimum of 92 Carrion Crows, 5 Rooks.

Ulley Brook Bog

A minimum of 100 Greylag Geese.

Treetown Wood

A large flock of over 100 Pink-footed Geese flew over NW at 1040 hours.


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