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  • Writer's pictureBob Croxton

Slovakia September 2020

Updated: Aug 11

Vodná nádrž, Budmerice

Finally, on my third attempt, having cancelled trips in March and June due to Covid restrictions, made it to Slovakia. Weather non-stop sunshine throughout my two weeks with daytime temperatures between 22 and 30c.

Due to the very warm weather, passerines in particular seemed scarce and mostly disappeared completely mid-morning to mid-afternoon. No signs of visible migration, when I would have hoped for storks, cranes, geese, Honey Buzzards etc at this time of year.

Wednesday 9 September

Ryanair arrived in Bratislarva 15 minutes early at 1715. Drive up to Sokolovce, noting Hooded Crow and Kestral on the drive.

Thursday 10 September

Svrbice Starling, Tree Sparrow and Great Grey Shrike on the same wire as in 4 out of 5 visits to this site at this time of year!

Orešany Airstrip Marsh Harriers (Juveniles), Buzzards and Kestrels everywhere.

I then went off to explore some of the many small reservoirs between Topoľčany and Nitra, where there seems to be free access allowed, to at least around the dam wall. Most of these reservoirs have reeds and dead trees at the inlet end.

Vodná nádrž, Krtovce Great White Egret, Tufted Duck, Swallow, House Martin, 4 Common Sandpiper, Grey Heron, Magpie, Woodpigion.

Zalužiansky rybník, Malé Zálužie Black Redstart, Mute Swan, Great Crested Grebe,

Lukáčovské rybníky, Lukáčovce Little Grebe, Coot, Moorhen, Kingfisher, pair of Mute Swan with 9 cygnets, Marsh Harrier 3 plus juvs, Mallard.

Great Grey Shrike - Black Woodpecker - Red-backed Shrike

Friday 11 September

Koplotovce Blackbird, Jay, Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Song Thrush, Chaffinch, Nuthatch, Black Woodpecker, Blue Tit, Great Tit

Hlohovec Jackdaw, Rook.

Saturday 12 September

Posádka Yellowhammer, Robin, White Wagtail, Goldfinch.

Vodná nádrž Kráľová, Šoporňa 3 Pygmy Cormorants landed close, a new Slovak species for me, but this is one of the best reservoirs in Slovakia for this rare Slovak species, Black-headed Gull, Night Heron flew over the oxbow.

Vodná nádrž, Budmerice A new site for me, in a fabulous setting, below the Little Carpathian Mountains. Some fishing and boating on 3 sides, but a walk along the quiet dam wall is always likely to be productive, with the uncut grass bank good for butterflies and dragonflies. Little Egret, Dunlin, Greenfinch, Pochard.

Dunlin - Vodná nádrž, Budmerice

Sunday 13 September

Vodná nádrž, Krtovce Kingfisher, Black Redstart, Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier - Vodná nádrž, Krtovce

Orešany Airstrip Linnet, several Black Redstart, Crested Lark, Spotted Flycatcher by manure dump. Field being furrowed held at least 15 Buzzards. A small falcon wizzed past, after some investigation it is almost certainly my first Slovak Red-footed Falcon.

Svrbice Great Grey Shrike, Wheatear.

Monday 14 September

Vodná nádrž, Budmerice Red-backed Shrike, Serin, Chiffchaff, Lesser Whitethroat, Yellow-legged Gull. A green parrot flew over into the sun, was thought to be Ring-necked.

Berger's Clouded Yellow - Great Banded Greyling - Black-tailed Skimmer

Note The unusual blue either side of the base of the wings of the Black-tailed Skimmer. Difficult to know if it is a very mature individual or some kind of sub-species!

Tuesday 15 September

Orešany Airstrip Raptor display at dawn. Several Buzzards a Marsh Harrier and an unidentified distant ring-tailed harrier were soaring and being harried by at least 4 Kestrels.

Wednesday 16 September

Koplotovce Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Tree Pipit, Sparrowhawk, Robin.

Madunice Fishponds Grey-headed Woodpecker.

Thursday 17 September

Another trip round the small reservoirs between Topoľčany and Nitra. Two had workers on, which is a bit off-putting and the other two were pretty much as previous visits. No new birds today.

Friday 18 September

Early morning walk along the river at Sokolovce. Grey Wagtail was new otherwise just Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker, Kingfisher.

From midday travelled northwest to stay in the village of Červený Kameň near the Czech border, for a couple of nights. More Grey Wagtails and a couple of continental Dippers on the stream, near the apartment we are straying at.

Dipper - Červený Kameň

Saturday 19 September

Early morning walk up into the forested hills around Červený Kameň. All that was found was Buzzard, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Chaffinch and Raven. A number of rutting deer could be heard in the woods.

Late morning walk above the village of Vršatské Podhradie was very quiet, but with spectacular views. A well-worn female Purple-shot Copper butterfly was of interest because the literature, states that the flight period is June/July.

Sunday 20 September

Červený Kameň Early morning drive up to the Czech border stopping at forest clearings. Little of interest. Blackcap back in village. Returned to Sokolovce for the evening.

Monday 21 September

Moved south to spend the last two nights in the village of Číčov on the north side of the Danube.

Zalužiansky rybník, Malé Zálužie Gadwall

Stopped at a small reservoir near the village of Tvrdošovce. Completely devoid of wildlife apart from a Wall Brown Butterfly.

Číčov Fishponds

Have made short visits to these ponds in past years They seem to have open access throughout on hardcore paths. Only on my last visit did I see any workers, who were taking a boat load of sweetcorn out to feed the fish. Given the location next to the Danube, always worth a visit, even if mine have been a bit disappointing so far.

Mute Swan, Grey Heron, Teal, Mallard, Shoveler, Pochard, Great Crested Grebe, Little Grebe, Coot, Cormorant, Marsh Harrier.

At the small house I was renting 2 Black Redstarts in garden, Syrian Woodpecker calling in a Walnut tree on the road outside. Great Spotted Woodpeckers seen and heard soon afterwards nearby, helped to confirm the calls of the Syrian.

Tuesday 22 September

River Dunube floodplain forests/oxbows, Číčov Wigeon, Black Stork presumed family group 2 adults 4 juvs, Common Redstart,

Číčov Fishponds Great Bittern spooked from reeds by Marsh Harrier, flew out over open water, then returned to where whence it came.

Číčov A Weasel was working its way around the garden, searching under loose boulders.

Afternoon walk to an old oxbow off the Danube. It was through floodplain forest with occasional views of the water which was devoid of birds. As I was getting bit by endless mosquitoes, I made a hasty retreat back to Číčov Fishponds. Much the same, Reed Bunting being a new trip bird. As dusk approached, birds arrive to roost in the reedbeds. Hundreds of Tree Sparrows, tens of White Wagtails and thousands of Starlings. The Starlings were being harried by at least 3 Marsh Harriers and a Sparrowhawk. Good numbers of large bats on my way back to my apartment. When bat recordings were checked back home Common Noctule, Soprano Pipistrelle and possibly Serotine Bat.

Wednesday 23 September

Early morning walk around Číčov Fishponds found the regular wildfowl and flocks of Tree Sparrows in the reeds. Quiet one-hour drive back to Bratislava, just Buzzards, Kestrels and Hooded Crows. Ryanair arrived back in Manchester 15 minutes early.

Note quarantine rules for people returning from Slovakia, were introduced 3 days after I returned.


Large White, Small White, Clouded Yellow, Berger’s Clouded Yellow, Common Blue, Peacock, Red Admiral, Small Heath, Wall Brown, Purple-shot Copper, Great Banded Greyling.


Migrant Hawker, Common Darter, Black-tailed Skimmer.



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