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  • Writer's pictureBob Croxton

Slovakia, Austria, Hungary - May/June 2023

Updated: Jun 24

Slovakia, Austria Hungary May/June 2023

Bat identification done on a phone app using Echo Meter Professional, should not be taken too seriously. When I master making sonograms and double checking the bats identifications, they are only suggestions. My DSLR camera broke on the 6 June, so all photos thereafter taken on my bridge camera.

Wednesday 24 May (Bratislava) Arrived late into Bratislava, stayed overnight at an airport hotel. The novelty of the Slovak inquisition post Brexit, seems to be wearing off at immigration, I was asked no questions this time as to why I was here or where I am staying etc. Thursday 25 May (Sokolovce) Walk to car hire Jackdaw, House Martin, Woodpigeon, Kestrel Šúr (Reserve to the north of Bratislava) Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly, Nightingale, Great Tit, Mallard, Blackcap, Cuckoo, Grey Heron, Great Crested Grebe, Blackbird, Starling, Chaffinch, Golden Oriole, Red-backed Shrike, Mute Swan, Budmerice Reservoir & Fishponds Pochard, Tufted Duck, Red-Crested Pochard, White-tailed Eagle, Coot, 3 Black Terns, Great Reed Warbler, White Wagtail.

Photo montage of White Tailed Eagle - Budmerice, SK

Sokolovce Plenty of Golden Oriole and Nightingale along the river. Whinchat. Svrbice Bee-eater flock of over 50 took to the air when disturbed by a small raptor. Skylark, Black-headed Gull, Orešany Airstrip Marsh Harrier, Crested Lark Manure Dump alive with Tree Sparrows

. Sokolovce oxbow Nightjar

Bats Great Noctule, Noctule, Liesler's Bat, Common Pipistrelle, Savi's Pipistrelle, Bent-winged Bat, Serotine, Pond Bat, Daubenton's Bat. About Black Redstart, Tree Sparrow, Swallow, Common Buzzard, Rook, House Sparrow, Collared Dove, Friday 26 May (Strelníky) Sokolovce river, reservoir and Oxbow (0515 to 0715) Glimpsed 2 Eagles flying away from me between a gap in some trees, one was a White-tailed Eagle the other seemed slightly smaller possibly Eastern Imperial which built a nest nearby in April. Goldfinch, Blue Tit, Nuthatch, Turtle Dove, Great White Egret, Night Heron, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Yellowhammer, Hooded Crow, Common Tern, Hobby, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Song Thrush. All to the constant songs/calls of Nightingales and Golden Orioles.

Black-headed Gull, Night Heron, Hobby - Sokolovce Oxbow, SK

Sokolovce river (0900 to 1030) Spotted Flycatcher, Little Ringed Plover, Stonechat, Goshawk,

Goshawk (Sub Adult Male) - River Vah, Sokolovce SK

Strelníky 6th visit to this upland village. Drove here with my two grandsons, so little chance of any birding on the way (How long until a McDonalds, from them most of the way!) . My daughter is arriving later. Grey Wagtail on the power line outside my bedroom window. Saturday 27 May (Strelníky) Strelníky Pre Breakfast House Martin, Swallow, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Collared Dove, Yellowhammer, Buzzard, Wren, Blackcap, Song Thrush, Hooded Crow, Cuckoo, Magpie, Woodpigeon, Red-backed Shrike, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Black Woodpecker, Jay, Fieldfare , House Sparrow, Starling, Goldfinch, Serin, Black Redstart. Midday family walk to Ľubietová via Povrazník mostly across upland meadows. Fairly quiet bird wise. White Wagtail, Skylark, Great Tit and Raven all of note. Two dead Slow Worms on roads. Sunday 28 May (Strelníky) Strelníky Before Breakfast Mistle Thrush, Hoopoe heard, Turtle Dove, Blue Tit. Finally, after all my visits to Slovakia a distant small owl was seen in flight, Tengmalms or Pygmy? Chopok Family outing up the cable car to the summit of Chopok, a 2000 metre high mountain. Passed over a grazing Chamois. Around the summit only two birds seen, a distant male Alpine Accentor and a lone tame Raven.

Alpine Accentor, Raven - Chopok, SK

Strelníky An evening walk over the meadows towards Povaznik found little bird wise over than a few Turtle Dove and Red-backed Shrike, unfortunately no Corncrake which I hoped for, but a lot of the grasslands have been improved for the big local dairy. Returning into Strelníky along a spruce woodland track, a limping fox came very close and a couple of very large bats put on an amazing show in decent light. The bat detector indicated Serotine. Monday 29 May (Hrabušice) Strelníky Uneventful early morning walk. Roe Deer. Drove over the Low Tatras into the valley south of the High Tatras. Lesser Spotted Eagle.

Lesser Spotted Eagle- Slovakia

Štrbské Pleso Coal Tit Štôla A female Siskin was following a pair of Yellowhammers from tree to tree. Robin.

A pair of Yellowhammers with a Siskin - Štôla, SK

Mengusovce Willow Warbler Tuesday 30 May (Hrabušice) Slovenský raj National Park – Podlesok

Un-beknown to me this would be perhaps the most challenging walk of my life. I planned what I thought would be a steady walk, down one valley and then up another. It was not long after I set off down a gorge when I came across steel steps, with a wire rope to hang onto around a cliff face high above a river. Later when I went up another gorge I had to walk up the stream and climb 5 long ladders by the side of waterfalls. meanwhile many danger signs for beers, Wolves and Lynx! When I eventually got to the top, I came across a hut with a beer dispenser! Did not find too many birds, too busy hanging on for my life to look around. Blackcap, Chaffinch, Blackbird, White Wagtail, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Goldfinch, House Martin, Black Redstart, Great Tit, Grey Wagtail, Dipper, Robin, Coal Tit, Buzzard, Black Woodpecker, Cuckoo.

Waterfall ladders, rock face steps, danger bear sign, self service beer hut - Slovenský raj National Park

Swallowtail - Slovenský raj National Park, SK

Pila A traditional upland mainly wooden built Slovak village, visited at dusk for Bats. My Bat Detector came up with the following species. Serotine, Noctule, Liesler's, Common Bent-winged, Northern, Common Pipistrelle, Sorprano Pipistrelle. Wednesday 31 May (Hrabušice) Pre-Breakfast walk Whinchat, Lesser Whitethroat, Turtle Dove, Buzzard, Hobby, Tree Sparrow, Red Fox.

Red Fox - Hrabušice, SK

Drive around Slovenský Raj National Park Unremarkable apart from the only Sparrowhawk of my trip. Return to this morning’s walk at Hrabušice Hoopoe, Stonechat, Skylark.

Slovenský Raj National Park – Podlesok (Dusk) Red Fox, Nightjar Bats Northern Bat, Party Coloured Bat, Noctule, Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle, Brant's/Whiskered, Natterer’s. Thursday 1 June (Hrabušice) Slovenský Raj National Park - Čingov Undertook a 7 hour walk from the SE part of the park. Apart from the obligatory Black Redstart in the car park all I had for the first 4 hours was typical UK birds such as Song Thrush, Blackbird, Blackcap, Chaffinch etc. Then about 1000 hrs I had a wildlife 'hole in one' moment. I noticed a Wild Cat (2 hours away from the nearest house and they are supposed to be common) up in front of me, prowling through vegetation and all of a sudden, a grouse like bird flew out low up the hillside. Too small for Capercaillie and it was not a Black Grouse, so presumably a Hazel Grouse. Up in the Beech forest higher up, I disturbed a large bird which flew onto a low branch, presuming it would be another Buzzard, to my surprise it was a large greyish owl. It had its back to me but occasional turned its head around and looked at me totally unconcerned, allowing me to take many photos. Thought it must be Ural Owl and it checked out perfectly on the Collins Bird App. After at least 15 minutes, I left leaving the Owl alone on its perch. A Woodpecker was drumming nearby with a sound new to me, but it could not be found. White-backed would be the most likely in this habit. A couple of Camberwell Beauties on the way back including a rare photogenic one.

Ural Owl - Slovenský Raj National Park, SK

Camberwell Beauty - Slovenský Raj National Park, SK

In the evening What sounded like a Nightjar could be heard from my bathroom window on rough grassland to the rear of my apartment. Don't think it was a Nightjar, probably some kind of amphibian. Friday 2 June (Sokolovce) Return to Sokolovce via the spectacular motorway to the south of the High Tatras Tatras. Donovaly Ski Resort. Parked up at the edge of some woodland to observe a leaf warbler in a Silver Birch with the sun behind it. Its only feature was a distinctive eyebrow. Because of the bad light, I could not determine what it was. It then disappeared into the foliage and started to sing a song unknown to me for a leaf Warbler. Rather baffled I tried to find the bird from the other side with the sun behind me but failed. Several minutes later it occurred to me that it could have been Greenish Warbler which has spread into Slovakia in recent times. From what I could remember of the song it checked out with the Collins App, and the habitat seems right.


Sand Martins, Red Crested Pochard. Got back to Sokolovce just before 4.00 pm, just in time for the local forest ranger to take my daughter and I on a long drive through the forests and meadows in a 4x4. We first went to near an Eastern Imperial Eagles nest, but while I was watching 2 distant Buzzards displaying, trying to see if they were Honey (Undecided), the others caught a glimpse of an eagle. The rest of the drive was quiet until we came to a Beaver dam near Bojná. Amazingly 2 Beavers were out and we had prolonged views of one stripping and eating bark, from a large felled willow tree. Of note most of the dam had silted up.

European Beaver- Bojná, SK

Saturday 3 June (Sokolove) Sokolovce river, oxbow and reservoir A fairly strong wind this morning seemed to suppress bird song. Just a few Nightingale and Golden Oriole in Song. A lot of anglers about had scared most of the Herons and Egrets. Little Egret, Long-tailed Tit.

Sokolovce village Bats

Soprano Pipistrelle, Common Bent-winged Bat, Greater Horseshoe Bat. Sunday 4 June (Maiersdorf) Koplotovce Superb couple of hours around the old gravel pits and flood plain grasslands/woodlands. Constant calling Golden Oriole with 3 seen on one branch together. Also, many Turtle Dove, Nightingale, Yellowhammer, Red-backed Shrike and regular calling Cuckoo plus 3 flying together. Two Kingfisher a Bee-eater, and a male Collared Flycatcher high in the top of a tree, id confirmed from photo. On the river could not distinguish between a Beaver and a Coypu, but probably latter. A family party of White-headed Long-tailed Tit, Reed Warbler, Here in June 2018 there were a number of Wrynecks, I have not had any since in Slovakia! Then drove off for two nights in Austria with the constant sunshine so far turning to heavy rain. On the way a few Roadside Montagu’s Harriers over arable fields. Monday 5 June (Maiersdorf) Maiersdorth - Hohe Wand Nature Park Had planned to go to the top of the 2,000 M. Schneeberg mountain on the mountain railway, fog over the tops and rain forecast later, meant I had to cancel. Apart from villages full of Black Redstarts nothing of much interest found all morning. I did come across a small biosphere reserve just outside of my village surrounded by arable fields. Great piece of flower rich grassland with a pond. I had an unmarked small snake quickly slip away and many frogs around the edge. No dogs or anglers allowed, meant the wildlife had space to flourish compared to the UK. Rained for most of the rest of the day.

Roe Buck - Hohe Wand, A.

Tuesday 6 June (Fertőd) Neusiedler See, Rust, Austria Greylag Goose, Purple Heron, Reed Warbler, Marsh Harrier. Fertő-Hanság Natioanl Park, Fertőújlak, Hungary Water levels back to something like normal, after all but drying up in 2022. Only problem being the areas used by breeding waders last years, are now covered in reeds. Lapwings were observed chasing Marsh Harriers away from their territories. Shelduck, Corn Bunting, Yellow Wagtail, Pygmy Cormorant, Hobby, Whiskered Tern, Montague Harrier, 2 Spoonbill, Great Reed Warbler, Purple Heron, Little Grebe, The area was covered in Cuckoos with up to 3 in the air together, although there seemed to be a lack of host songbirds. Gadwall. A dark falcon flew by in heavy overcast weather conditions, did not seem to have any white on head eliminating Hobby, but could not make out the leg colour, presumed Red-footed Falcon, I had them here last year. Rain then set on for the evening, when I arrived at my accommodation. Wednesday 7 June (Fertőd) Heavy rain all night and into the morning, meant another lay-in. Drove back into Austria to explore the See winkle lakes watching from my car in the rain, eventually warm hazy sunshine from 1000 hrs. Darscho Warmsee, Apetlon This Lake was still short of its typical level for the time of year, after drying up last year. Avocet, Little Ringed Plover, Yellow Wagtail Skylark, A superb soggy male Ruff in all its breeding plumage finery, did a short display then settled down for a long preen, before feeding around the edge of the lake. No sign of any females, which may be on a nest somewhere, or its an early male on return passage.

Ruff - Darscho Warmsee, Apetlon, A.

Stinkersee Fairly quiet, other than a Whiskered Tern and a Shelduck. In a flooded field nearby, I chanced upon a female Garganey and soon found a male nearby. Hoopoe. Illmitz Rain stopped around 1100, so I parked up and went for a walk along one of the tarmacked trails. Redshank on a distant lake. Plenty of Nightingale, Turtle Dove, Red-backed Shrike, Cuckoo and the sky was alive with Marsh Harriers and Kestrels. Illmitz Zicksee Pintail, another male Garganey, Illmitz to Neusiedler See Causeway Hide at Illmitz 6 Curlew, Black-winged Stilt. Farm track Icterine Warbler, Golden Oriole. Reedbeds Common Tern, several Ferruginous Duck, Teal, more Garganey, Whiskered Tern, Red-Crested Pochard, Common/Great Reed Warblers, Little Egret. Mainly Hooded Crows with occasional Carrion Crow and on one occasion a mixed pair!

Esterházy-kastély Palace grounds, Fertőd Bats

Noctule, Kuhl’s Pipistrelle, Common Pipistrelle, Natterer’s Bat, Soprano Pipistrelle, Common Bent-winged Bat, Nathusius Bat, Leisler’s, Serotine,

Brown Hares - Austria & Hungary (Abundant in both countries and can be very approachable)

Thursday 8 June (Fertőd) Tadtern Andue Plains, Austria Pair of Garganey on a flooded field. The grasslands are very wet this year and hosting large numbers of breeding Lapwing, smaller numbers of Redshank and Curlew. Sedge Warbler, 2 Great Bustards, Stonechat, Yellow Wagtail, Whinchat, Turtle Dove, Cuckoo seen and heard constantly. Three Spoonbill feeding in wet areas of a cattle field, more found later. Montague's Harrier, Corn Bunting many Red-backed Shrike. Freedom Bridge into Hungary Golden Oriole, Pygmy Cormorant.

Whinchat - Tadtern Andue Plains, A.

Illmitz Female rufous Cuckoo White Donkey Wood (My Hungarian landlady and a couple from Switzerland suggested, I should go and see the White Donkeys near Illmitz. Not really on my list of things to do, until I realised that they were trying to inform me that a colony of Red-footed Falcons were nesting in a wood next to the Donkey field. It’s a 30-minute walk from the nearest car park). Apart from colonies in Italy, this must be about the most western colony in Europe. Red-footed Falcons which were very approachable, also around the wood Kestrel and Hobby.

Red-footed Falcons - White Donkey Wood, Illmitz, A.

Fertőd village bats

Soprano Pipistrelle, Nathusiu’s Pipistrelle, Common Pipistrelle, Kuhl’s Pipistrelle, Natterer’s Bat, Northern Bat, Leisler’s Bat, Grey Lon-eared Bat, European Free-tailed Bat, Noctule, Common Bent-winged Bat,

Friday 9 June Early morning walk around the Esterházy-kastély Palace grounds, Fertőd as usual found little of interest. Fertő-Hanság Natioanl Park, Fertőújlak, Hungary Yellow Wagtail, Corn Bunting showing well.

Corn Bunting, Hoopoe, Yellow Wagtail - Fertő-Hanság Natioanl Park, Fertőújlak, H.

Tadten Andue Plains Great Reed Warblers very approachable today. Pair of Montague Harrier gave prolonged views, including the female chasing Marsh Harriers away. Otherwise pretty much the same as Thursday. A large raptor flew away in the distance, was almost certainly an Eastern Imperial Eagle.

Tree Sparrows, Great Reed Warbler - Tadten Andue Plains,A

Doborgazsziget, Hungary, River Danube Oxbows Fairly quiet bird wise, just Golden Oriole and Turtle Dove of note. Banded Demoiselle and Lesser Purple Emperor. Then the drive back to Bratislava for the flight home, picking up a Black Kite on the way.

Lesser Purple Emperor - Doborgazsziget, H.

Butterflies Scarce Swallowtail, Orange Tip, Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Small Heath, Speckled Wood, Swallowtail, Brimstone, Holly Blue, Map, Green-veined White, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Camberwell Beauty, Large White, Silver Washed Fritillary, Marbled White, Pearly Heath, Lesser Purple Emperor, Meadow Brown, Wall Brown, Common Blue, Woodland Ringlet, Riverdin's Blue, Northern Wall Brown, Late afternoon flight back to Manchester on time, but bus to Stockport did not turn up, had to wait for next one. Problems at Stockport resulted in a quick platform change for the Sheffield train. Outside Sheffield Midland rubbish bins full and rubbish piled up all around, Granville Road full of rubbish on the pavements from the nearby education establishments, welcome back to the UK!



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